Tag Archives: desserts

Old Fashioned Chocolate Pudding

P1040659Have you ever made-or eaten- homemade pudding? It is SO much better than the packaged mixes you may be accustomed to using. Sure, those mixes might save you a few minutes, but you’re loosing the rich but simple goodness that old-fashioned homemade pudding delivers. (Convenience foods almost always sacrifice taste, and add a lot of fake and undesirable ingredients.)

Maybe you don’t think of yourself as much of a pudding fan at all. I mean, isn’t pudding really just for throwing a cup of it into the kids’ lunchboxes? Isn’t it a bit outdated as far as desserts go? Well, I think you might be surprised by how elegant and pleasing this comforting dessert can be!

The pudding is thick, smooth, and plenty chocolatey! You can serve it as simple as just a dollop of whipped cream on top, or you could use it to create so many other delicious desserts. (that you just might see featured here, soon!) 🙂

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Classic Apple Pie

P1030484I love apples. I love pie. I love baking apple pie!

I think pie is one of the most satisfying desserts to make. The finished product is just so rewarding- baked beautifully, golden, and bubbly. And then, to have that first piece slide perfectly out of the

pie plate…ahh, makes me happy!

This week was my husband’s birthday, and as is our custom, he got to choose a favorite meal and dessert as part of the celebration. So, for the second year in a row- he chose this apple pie. Now, that might not seem too amazing, but you see, Tim did not always like apple pie. In fact, it has only been since I have been making this apple pie that he has found that it is one of his favorite treats! And so, my once “chocolate-only-please” guy has been reformed and now asks for this once-disliked pastry, frequently! (WOO-HOO! I love it when I can change his opinion about certain foods!)

P1030467Ok, now I must admit- this recipe is very basic. It is simply apple pie with homemade crust-  you are very likely to have a similar recipe that your grandma used to make. But, as I have said before, I like simple and classic dishes. And I think simple dishes are some of the best dishes when they are done well. (that’s how they became classics!)  Also, you will not find pre-made crusts and canned apple pie filling in this recipe (because those are filled with icky chemicals and things!)- it’s completely from scratch!

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